One of the core areas of RDM is Research and Development. Since its establishment, RDM has commissioned many qualitative researches in areas of labor migration, informal workforce, gender and social inclusion, disaster risk reduction, Child Protection and Development, Women and Development, and Media and Development. It uses instruments such as consultants’ roster, advisory panel, full-team membership and subcontracts to increase its pool of expertise with respect to demands of the assignments.
Our Capacity development interventions focus on holistic development of organizational leaders/members starting from shaping aptitude, developing outlook and attitude to guiding improved work performances. Most of these interventions are executed through training programs while we also use other measures such as counseling, knowledge sessions, and coaching. Our intervention programs include:
RDM's major strength is to support formulation of policies, plans and strategies for a wide range of organizations -public, private and foundations. RDM uses management tools such as Forced- Field Analysis, Policy Network Analysis and Political Economy Analysis to arrive at the suitable policies and strategies. Besides, RDM has in-house experts to lead the policy review, policy formulation, developing position papers and strategic plans.
RDM has a wealth of experience in cooperative governance and management. RDM has provided governance related training to both production-oriented cooperatives as well as savings and credit cooperatives. RDM has expertise in Governance, Cooperative Business Development, Record Keeping and Bench Marking and Supporting small and medium size enterprises.